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16245 Westside Hwy SW
Vashon, WA, 98070


The Vashon Green School is a place-based multi-age learning community located on 7 acres of farm and woodlands, on Vashon’s Westside. We offer a hands-on, hearts-on embodied curriculum rooted in practices that promote social intelligence and connection to the natural world. Our curriculum seeks to provide children with tools and support for living a full, balanced and creative life by giving equal value to each of the four windows of knowing: feeling, imagining, sensing and thinking. Mentors honor each child’s unique gifts and learning styles, supported by our small mentor-student ratio. VGS children, mentors and families journey together to create a learning community rooted in compassion, connection and gratitude.

Online Lessons

Djuna's River Story

Dana Schuerholz

( Summary)

I was born in water. I’ve always felt comfortable in water. My Moms tell me I would go under water before I could even walk, begging them to let go of my hands so I could try to swim and open my eyes in the watery underworld. Perhaps one of my greatest lessons about water happened on a Winter day in 2011, up at Snoqualmie pass. Pretending to be an ermine, I was leaping and bounding in deep snow, in snow shoes, when I fell into tree well that happened to be next to a cornice of snow hanging over the river. Down into and under the freezing water I went. Fighting for my life I kicked and pulled my way to a rock and held on tightly until my parents, friends and a stranger rescued me. Whether it is in the form of deep snow or a rushing river, I learned that water demands respect.

Like the roots of the tree holding onto and being held by the river bank, I held onto the rock . Then  I grasped tightly to the ski pole, that my Mom reached out to me,  forming a lasso with my arms wrapped around the rock.

Like the roots of the tree holding onto and being held by the river bank, I held onto the rock . Then I grasped tightly to the ski pole, that my Mom reached out to me, forming a lasso with my arms wrapped around the rock.