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16245 Westside Hwy SW
Vashon, WA, 98070


The Vashon Green School is a place-based multi-age learning community located on 7 acres of farm and woodlands, on Vashon’s Westside. We offer a hands-on, hearts-on embodied curriculum rooted in practices that promote social intelligence and connection to the natural world. Our curriculum seeks to provide children with tools and support for living a full, balanced and creative life by giving equal value to each of the four windows of knowing: feeling, imagining, sensing and thinking. Mentors honor each child’s unique gifts and learning styles, supported by our small mentor-student ratio. VGS children, mentors and families journey together to create a learning community rooted in compassion, connection and gratitude.

Online Lessons

Alexandria Ocasio Cortez - Climate Justice Hero

Dana Schuerholz

Alexandria Ocasio Cortez es una heroína de la justicia climática. Como la miembro más joven del Congreso de los Estados Unidos, propuso una legislación llamada Green New Deal. El Green New Deal (GND) tiene como objetivo abordar el cambio climático y la desigualdad económica. Después de graduarse de la universidad y luego de trabajar como camarera para ayudar a mantener a su madre, a pagar la hipoteca de la casa y a mantener a su hermano más joven, se sintió inspirada a postularse para un cargo político al presenciar la protesta liderada por indígenas en Standing Rock. Ahí AOC aprendió a luchar, no solo para buscar un bien propio, pero para buscar el bien de los demás. Entre sus muchos superpoderes, ella es compasiva, bilingüe (habla español e inglés con fluidez) y una comunicadora extremadamente hábil.

Alexandria Ocasio Cortez is a Climate Justice Hero. As the youngest ever female member of the U.S. Congress she proposed legislation called the Green New Deal. The Green New Deal (GND) aims to address climate change and economic inequality. After graduating from college and then working as a bartender to help support her mother she was inspired to run for office upon witnessing the Indigenous led protest at Standing Rock. Among her many superpowers she is compassionate, bilingual ( fluent in Spanish and English) and an extremely skilled communicator.

What if we actually pulled off a Green New Deal? What would the future look like? The Intercept presents a film narrated by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and illu...